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Periodically, I will share highlights of my research.
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Featured by KQED Science

June 23, 2019


'Centers of Insurrection': Central Valley Farmers Reckon With Climate Change

"...Although the Valley can appear like one huge monochrome blur seen through a car window while speeding down I-5, it’s actually showing signs of diversity, and ingenious responses to the pressures that are impacting agriculture. You just have to know when to pull off. Fresno County is dotted with small and highly diversified farms, most of them run by immigrant families originally from Laos and Mexico..."

Featured by High Country News

May 20, 2019

Can small-scale farmers grow a healthier California? 


Where industrial monocrops dominate, small farms form an agricultural resistance in the Central Valley....

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Featured by Berkeley Food Institute

October 16, 2018

On the Ground with Students in Extension...

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Salinas students team up with UC Berkeley to conduct research

June 9, 2016

"...With the help of a grant, Guzman recruited four Salinas-area students to help with the research. Since May they have been surveying eight farms and collecting soil samples, dyed plant roots and created slides to eventually measure how developed the fungi is at the various sites..."

Stay up-to-date on research happenings through these photos or follow at @soilsandbees

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